Leadership Team & Key Contacts

Senior Leadership Team

Name Role
Thahmina Begum Headteacher
Julie Richardson  Regional Director
Shereece Harry Deputy Headteacher (maternity leave)
Rachel Ray-Choudhuri Deputy Headteacher (DSL)
Ian Lack Deputy Headteacher
Hana Aslam Deputy Headteacher (maternity cover)
Thomas Larini Assistant Headteacher
Charlotte Clarke Assistant Headteacher
Ionela Tranka Assistant Headteacher
Casey Powell Assistant Headteacher
Leonora Green Assistant Headteacher
Kiran Ralh Assistant Headteacher
Jonathan Wadsworth Associate Assistant Headteacher
Alice Roberts (maternity leave) Associate Assistant Headteacher (maternity Leave)

Heads of Year (HOY) and Assistant Heads of Year (AHOY)

Name Role Contact Email
Tom Ritchie Head of Year 7 tom.ritchie@haggerston.hackney.sch.uk
Nozrul Ahmed Assistant Head of Year 7 nozrul.ahmed@haggerston.hackney.sch.uk
Asma Siddiqui Head of Year 8 asma.siddiqui@haggerston.hackney.sch.uk
Heather Annan Assistant Head of Year 8 heather.annan@haggerston.hackney.sch.uk
Rochelle Roberts Head of Year 9 rochelle.roberts@haggerston.hackney.sch.uk
Latisha Antoine Assistant Head of Year 9 latisha.antoine@haggerston.hackney.sch.uk
Cherrelle Yiminyi Head of Year 10 cherrelle.yiminyi@haggerston.hackney.sch.uk
Mariah McNamara Assistant Head of Year 10 mariah.mcnamara@haggerston.hackney.sch.uk
Jonathan Wadsworth Head of Year 11 jonathan.wadsworth@haggerston.hackney.sch.uk 
Teri Willing Assistant Head of Year 11 teri.willing@haggerston.hackney.sch.uk
Charlotte Clarke Head of Sixth Form charlotte.clarke@haggerston.hackney.sch.uk
Cetisha Forbes Assistant Head of Sixth Form cetisha.forbes@haggerston.hackney.sch.uk
Eloise Flores Year 12 Pastoral Manager eloise.flores@haggerston.hackney.sch.uk
Sofia Iqbal Year 12 Pastoral Manager sofia.iqbal@haggerston.hackney.sch.uk


Heads of Faculty

Name Role

Ms Catherine Blanchard / Ms Harriet Piercy (maternity leave)

Ms Holly Matthews (maternity cover)
Joint Heads of English
Mr Nicholas Causton-Marks Head of Maths
Ms Kiran Rahl Head of Science
Ms Nadia Owusu-Anning Head of Humanities 
Ms Laura Gomez-Pino Head of Languages

Ms Alice Roberts (maternity leave)

Mr Samuel Akumah (maternity cover)

Head of Social and Computer Sciences

Ms Casey Powell Head of Performing Arts
Ms Liuda Peryer Head of Visual Arts
Mr Harry James Head of Physical & Outdoor Education

Ms Martina Honorio (maternity leave)

Ms Fiona Barclay (maternity cover)