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- PSHE and Citizenship (including SMSC and SRE)
PSHE and Citizenship (including SMSC and SRE)
- SMSC – Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural
- PSHCE – Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic Education
- SRE – Sex and Relationships Education
What will you learn in PSHCE and Citizenship?
The PSHCE curriculum is delivered during drop down “Character Days” which happen once every half term and also through assemblies and tutor group lessons.
PSHCE lessons are generally taught in tutor groups by either teachers internal to the school or other educational/health professionals who are trained to deliver accurate, relevant and age appropriate subject content to young people. PSHCE content may be sensitive and, as such, trained professionals who are very familiar with this content and are experienced in talking with young people, are very well placed to know how best to engage young people, managing appropriately personal or sensitive questions.
The following topics will be adjusted for age appropriate learning and developmental stages personal, social health and economic and citizenship education. Topics include relationship and sex, health and wellbeing, drugs and alcohol, financial education, the importance of physical fitness and diet and other topics that will help keep your child safe in increasingly independent situations until they reach adulthood and will be able to live healthy economically independent lives contributing positively to their community. SRE (sex and relationships education) forms an essential part of this PSHCE programme.
Do you have a reading list for this subject?
There is no specific reading list for this subject, however we do reccommend that every student aims to read for pleasure for at least 30 minutes each day.
How will you be assessed during the course?
Self assessment is conducted in tutor time following each of the Character Days.
How can you help your child excel in this subject?
You can suuport your child by assuring thier attendance in school for character days and asking them to discuss with you what they have learnt. All topics will be sent by text prior to the day.
Further Information
PSHE and Relationships and Sex Education Policy
The SMSC, fundamental British values and the citizenship curriculums are a requirement of all maintained schools; They teach Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development. It is an area of the curriculum that focuses on the non-academic development of students, such as understanding and appreciation of different cultures or dealing with morals and values. SMSC is about developing the whole child.
Health Education is compulsory in all secondary schools and has been since September 2020, along with Relationships and Sex Education (RSE).
Though economic well being is not yet statutory in entirety, elements of this strand (e.g. online gambling) are threaded throughout the statutory guidance.
Parent withdrawal is still allowed for sex education elements, although we recommend that all students are allowed to receive this valuable information. However, if you wish to withdraw your child form these sessions, please send an email to the address below.
At Haggerston we deliver SMSC in a variety of ways, it runs through all curriculum areas and is taught through our PSHCE (Personal, social, health, citizenship and economic education) programme.
A core purpose of the school is to help young people become responsible knowledgeable citizens, ready to be independent in modern society.
Should you wish to withdraw your child from these specified lessons, please email characterday@haggerston.hackney.sch.uk using the subject heading Character Day.