KS3 Subject: Science

What topics will you study in KS3 Science?

Students acquire scientific investigation skills such as: planning an experiment, naming scientific variables, drawing graphs and using scientific equipment safely.

In addition to the above, students in Year 7 & 8 study parts of following topics:


  • Cell biology
  • Organisation
  • Infection & response
  • Bioenergetics
  • Homeostasis
  • Inheritance & Evolution
  • Ecology


  • Atomic structure & Periodic table
  • Bonding
  • Quantitative chemistry
  • Chemical changes
  • Energy changes
  • Rate of reactions
  • Organic chemistry
  • Chemical analysis
  • Chemistry of the atmosphere
  • Using resources


  • Energy
  • Electricity
  • Particle model of matter
  • Atomic structure
  • Forces
  • Waves
  • Magnetism & Electromagnetism
  • Space Physics (Triple Only)

Topics covered in Year 7 & 8 are revisited throughout our year 9 - 11 curriculum.

Do you have a reading list for this subject?

There is no specific reading list for this subject.

How will you be assessed during the course?

At KS3, students are assessed three times per year during the DPR assessment periods where they will sit assessment papers related to the topics outlined.

How can you help your child excel in this subject?

In addition to discussing learning with your child, checking the DPR and monitoring their homework, encourage your child to watch science programmes, documentaries and keep abreast of the latest scientific discoveries.

Taking your child to interesting places, such as; the natural history museum or the science museum will provide them with the broader knowledge they need to excel in the curriculum.